day : 27/12/2021 2 results

How to Use an Airtight Pot?

Using the airtight pot is not a mystery. Clean and sanitized, it is ready to store food in the best way. And leveraging it properly can help you save money by reducing waste. See other uses for the pot: Freezing: leftovers, portions, semi-finished foods. If frozen as quickly as possible with airtight pots, the flavor, color and nutrients will remain as if they were fresh; Decoration: bet on decorations to obtain a pleasant visual effect. Organization: use stackable pots ...

How to Use an Airtight Pot?

Using the airtight pot is not a mystery. Clean and sanitized, it is ready to store food in the best way. And leveraging it properly can help you save money by reducing waste. See other uses for the pot: Freezing: leftovers, portions, semi-finished foods. If frozen as quickly as possible with airtight pots, the flavor, color and nutrients will remain as if they were fresh; Decoration: bet on decorations to obtain a pleasant and pleasant visual effect. Organization: use ...